Marketing KPI Dashboard for E-Store

Marketing KPI Dashboard

Our Marketing KPI Dashboard Client from the United States is a prominent retailer of car seat covers for canine dogs. The business has patent designs manufactured from an outsourced manufacturing department and sells the finished product to the USA market.

Since the Client uses Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Bing Ads, Amazon Sponsored Brand Video Ads, Amazon Sponsored Product Ads, and a third party commission-based platform.


Digital Marketing KPI Dashboard from platforms like Google Analytics, Facebook, Amazon, and Shopify allows businesses to live actionable insight into their business’s marketing activities and also the sales performance. But to complete this task the managers had to go to each platform individually for collecting data and reports for that individual platform. Our Client finds this as counterproductive and a time-wasting activity.


Oak Business Consultants is offering product/service ‘Marketing KPI Dashboard.’ Marketing KPI Dashboard. It serves as a median platform for gathering and analyzing data from all of the platforms being used by the business. It also transforms the raw data into easy-to-understand charts. These dashboards are aesthetically designed to perfection by using the Google Studio application, and we ensure that the charts are live and dynamic. Every time the business would open this file, it would be automatically updated, showing the latest amounts and figures from each platform into a single file.

When approached by the Client, Oak Business Consultants showcased Marketing KPI Dashboard product/service, and it instantly got the client’s attention. This ingenious product/service captures live data from all the associated platforms and provides cross-platform compatibility of marketing campaigns. For the Client – it meant that the marketing cost Vs. Benefit analysis got a lot easier, and with charts, it also became presentable to the Board members in an easy-to-understand format.

marketing KPI

marketing KPI dashboard

Why Us?

Oak Business Consultant is having over 11 years of experience in the field of Financial Services. We provide services like Financial Models with dashboards, Business Plans, Pitch Decks, and Virtual CFO Services. Oak’s Model Build and Dashboard are set to give you a structured and solid platform through which you make the best use of your data.

How Does Marketing KPI Dashboard Work?

We connect all data sources into one sheet enabling you to schedule your data importing, providing you up-to-date information at your fingertips. Exploring live data feed in Google Sheets and Google Data Studio is made easier than you think.

All Marketing And Advertising Data in One Place

Marketing KPI dashboard imports data from all marketing and advertising platforms, transform data into customized reports, and visualizes in Google Sheets and Google Data Studio. With more than 500 connectors, Marketing KPI Dashboard will be the last Marketing performance analysis dashboard you’ll ever need. We do customer reporting as per the business requirement and provide Financial and Marketing KPI in one single Google Sheets and Google Data Studio to analyze the Business and Marketing Performance in one place.

Marketing KPI dashboard

No Raw Data Require

We create customized reporting with visualization of Data as per the needs of the client. You don’t need to review Raw Data that is not understandable. At your end, you need to review your Daily, Monthly, and Weekly reporting without any complex formulation and any query.

Schedule Reports

Get performance alerts & recommendations when they matter most. Oak Financial analyst schedules exports to Google Sheets and Google Data Studio to ensure that the data is always up-to-date, so you don’t wait until the end of the month or quarter to know how your performance is trending. With Alerts, get notified when performance is off. Hence with Insights, you see a stream of your team’s achievements and receive recommendations for improving your performance.

We Will Design Your Own Marketing KPI Dashboards

You will have your own Marketing KPI Dashboard. We will also design and customize the dashboard to your liking. Our experts have in-depth business knowledge of several industries. We also ensure that you have every key marketing metric and KPI’s in the report along with easy-to-understand charts. It will also satisfy your information appetite and build charts accordingly. We will also match your color theme to clearly represent your company’s vision.

Features Overview

  • Export Data from multiple platforms in one Report
  • Unlimited Scheduling of report in Google Sheet and Google Data Studio
  • User friendly
  • Lifetime Access
  • Dynamic Dashboard
  • Dynamic Reporting
  • Oak Team will automated data normalization and mapping.
  • We build an API Connector in Google sheet and Google Data Studio for you.
  • Track Progress in Google Sheet Report and Dashboard in Google Data Studio
  • Recommendation from our Financial analyst

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