Here we provide different cases regarding our different industries like:

Saas Industry

Automotive Industry

Fintech Industry

Real Estate Industry

Retail Industry

Startup Industry

Entertainment Industry


We faced some great challenges and took them head-on by providing well thought-out expert detailed services to these clients. Check out our case studies it may also be applicable to your business.

Case Study - Startup Businesses

waste management plant-case study

Waste Management Plant Financial Model-Case Study

Waste Management Plant Financial Model-Case Study Background The case study exemplifies how Oak Business Consultants comprehend client needs and the methodologies and approaches employed to address those issues, all aimed...

Case Study - Retail Industry

Case Study - healthcare industry

Case Study - Fintech Industry

Case Study- Fintech Start-up Business Financial Model

Case Study- Fintech Start-up Business: Financial Model

Case Study- Fintech Start-up Business: Financial Model Introduction The oak business consultant is a Financial and Business Consultancy that provides Financial and Business Planning and Management Services. This case study...

Fintech startup- Case Study

Fintech Startup Financial Model – Case Study

Fintech Startup Financial Model – Case Study Introduction The Oak Business Consultant prepares the following case study. This case study is about a fintech startup that wanted to raise funds...

Case Study - Automotive Industry

Case Study - Real Estate Industry

Case Study - Restaurant Industry

Case Study: Empowering SaaS with SaaS Financial Model

Case Study: Empowering SaaS with SaaS Financial Model

Case Study: Empowering SaaS with SaaS Financial Model Client Overview: Our client is a SaaS company that developed an innovative Restaurant Management Application designed to streamline day-to-day operations. The client...

Case Study - SaaS Industry

Case Study For SaaS Financial Model - SVOD

Case Study For SaaS Financial Model – SVOD

Case Study For SaaS Financial Model – SVOD Background of SaaS Financial Model – SVOD This case study for the SaaS financial model is about Subscription Video On Demand (SVOD). SVOD...

Case Study: Empowering SaaS with SaaS Financial Model

Case Study: Empowering SaaS with SaaS Financial Model

Case Study: Empowering SaaS with SaaS Financial Model Client Overview: Our client is a SaaS company that developed an innovative Restaurant Management Application designed to streamline day-to-day operations. The client...